What will my child need every day?
Your child will need to wear appropriate clothing for a nursery day. Please be aware that the children will be painting and playing in water and mud. Staff will ensure that children are wearing the appropriate clothing that you supply and we will provide aprons for arts and crafts, but no new precious clothing please!
Slippers for inside
Spare change of clothes
Winter time Outdoors: Babies / Toddlers - All in one waterproof suit (lined for the winter – not for the summer)
Toddlers / Pre-School - Waterproof dungarees/ trousers/ and a waterproof jacket. (See Raindrops for suitable waterproofs) Raindrops at Waterproof World
Thermals; warm hat; scarf (we recommend the snood style scarf so that trailing ends do not get wet or caught up); warm gloves (waterproof if possible); Wellington Boots
Summer days Outdoors: Sun hat; Sun cream; Long light layers to protect them from the sun; Waterproofs; Wellington Boots
Please ensure that all clothing brought into nursery is cleared (clearly) named so we can help keep things organised. If you would like more advice about suitable clothing please contact us.
How long will it take my child to settle in?
Ensuring a calm and positive transition to nursery is essential for a happy child and happy parents! We will do all we can to make sure that you are both happy with the set up and routines. We are aware that every child is different and may take varying lengths of time to settle in.
Before starting you will be offered:
• A walk around the site for parent and child with a member of staff and a chance to ask questions
• An hour-long session with parent and child in the relevant age group
• 2-3 settling in sessions of 2 hours, depending on the confidence of the child in the weeks preceding the start date
This settling in period can be altered with the agreement of the Nursery Manager if your child needs more or less time.
What happens is my child is sick or has an accident?
Our staff are trained in paediatric first aid. If your child is sick whilst in our care, we will call you or the named emergency contact to come and pick them up. Accidents can happen. If your child has had an accident at nursery you will be informed upon collection of your child and asked to sign an accident form. In the event of a bump to the head you will be informed by telephone. Your child will be monitored and in most cases, will be able to continue with their day at nursery. In the event of a bump to the head causing concern you will be asked to collect your child and a visit to your GP will be recommended. You will be given a copy of the accident form and a head injury advice form. Should your child have an accident whilst at nursery which requires further medical support you will be contacted immediately and the necessary action will be taken. In extreme cases this could involve calling for the support of a paramedic. If your child has had an accident at home which has resulted in a physical injury, no matter how small, we request that you inform the staff so this can be documented and is not mistaken for an accident at the nursery.
If your child appears unwell during the day – for example, if they have a temperature, suspected infection, sickness, diarrhoea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach our Manager will call you and ask for you to collect your child. While we wait for you to collect them a member of staff (usually their key person) will stay with your child and try to make them as comfortable as possible.
If your child has a temperature, they are kept cool, by removing top clothing and sponging their heads with cool water away from draughts. Your child's temperature will be taken using a forehead thermometer strip
What do I do if my child is sick at home?
We cannot accept children with any infectious diseases such as conditions like conjunctivitis, impetigo, sickness and diarrhoea. The list below has been provided to help you. We can accept children with colds as long as you feel they are well enough and do not have a temperature of 38°C or above or need paracetamol or one to one care from a member of staff. If your child has needed paracetamol at home before coming to nursery it is likely that they are not feeling 100%. In these instances we would not recommend they attend nursery but would recommend they may get better faster from resting in a home environment. Please tell a member of staff at drop off if they have had any medication before coming to nursery. We will ask you to complete a form and to discuss the reason for the medication. We also advise that children receiving medication for the first time remain at home for 48 hours in case there is a reaction. If you require more information please refer to our nursery policies which are available in the reception area.
Disease/Illness and Exclusion period:
Antibiotic prescribed- First dose given at home and parent has monitored
Temperature- If sent home ill, child must be off for 24 hrs
Vomiting, diarrhoea- 48 hours from last episode. After two loose bowel movements your child will be sent home from nursery, to prevent spread of infection. They may return 48 hrs from their last loose bowel movement.
Conjunctivitis-Until eyes are no longer sticky
Chicken pox-Until spots have dried out
Gastroenteritis, food poisoning salmonellas, giardiasis and dysentery-Until authorised by district community physician
Infective hepatitis-5 days from onset of jaundice
Measles-4 days from appearance of rash
Molluscum Contagiosum-None. If visible they should be covered to prevent irritation from sand, mud and paint.
Meningococcal meningitis/septicaemia infection-Until recovered
Mumps-5 days from onset of swollen glands
Pertussis (whooping cough)-5 days from commencing antibiotics
Poliomyelitis-Until declared from infection by district community physician
Roseola (infantum)-None
Rubella(German measles)-4 days from appearance of rash
Scarlet fever & streptococcal infection of the throat-24 hrs after the antibiotics
Tuberculosis-Until declared free from infection by the district community physician
Typhoid fever-Until declared free from infection by the district community physician
Impetigo-Until the skin has healed or 48 hrs. after antibiotic treatment
Ringworm-No exclusion as long as being treated
Scabies-No exclusion as long as being treated
Cold sores-No exclusion
Hand, foot and mouth-3 days from Doctor’s diagnosis
Slapped cheek-No exclusion as long as they are well enough
E Coli and haemolytic uremic syndrome-Excluded for 48 hrs after last diarrhoea
Flu(Influenza)-Until recovered
Glandular fever-No exclusion
Tonsillitis-No exclusion
Athletes foot-No exclusion
Warts and verrucae-No exclusion provided they are covered
Head lice(nits)-Excluded until treated
Hepatitis A-For 7 days after onset of jaundice
Hepatitis B or C-None
Thread worms-None
Medication at nursery?
We are happy to administer prescribed medication such as inhalers etc. Any medication needs to be entered onto the medicine form and signed by the parent or guardian to authorise its use. The medication will be given by a senior member of staff and witnessed by another member of staff to ensure the correct medication and dosage is given. If you require more information please refer to our nursery policies which are available in the reception area.
What if I’m late picking up?
Call us! We understand that sometimes things do not go according to plan and traffic or work can hold you up. We will of course look after your child until you are able to pick them up. If we cannot reach you we will contact your nominated emergency contact. Please note that if you are more than 10 minutes late you will be charged a late collection fee of £5.00 per 15minutes or part thereof to cover the cost of staffing during that time.
If you have any concerns then please do contact the nursery. We will be happy to hear about any worries that you may have and endeavour to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Do you follow a Curriculum?
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and the age of 5. This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school, as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. Your child’s early years’ experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure and support their development, care and learning needs. We are obliged to follow a legal document called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
The EYFS Framework exists to support all professionals working in early years to help your child, and was developed with a number of early years experts and parents. In 2012, the framework was revised to make it clearer and easier to use, with more focus on the things that matter most. This new framework also has a greater emphasis on your role in helping your child develop.
The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development.
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through seven areas of learning and development:
Communication and language
Physical and Development
Personal, social and emotional development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
These seven areas are used to plan your child’s learning and activities. Our experienced staff, teaching and supporting your child, will make sure that the activities are suited to your child’s unique needs. This is a little bit like a curriculum in primary and secondary schools, but it is suitable for very young children, and is designed to be flexible so staff can support your child’s development and interests. Through the EYFS, children learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking, which takes place both indoors and outside.
To read more about the EYFS, please visit www.foundationyears.org.uk.
What are the differences between the Reggio and Montessori
1) The key words to describe the MONTESSORI approach may be; individual, sequential, ordered, predetermined, methodical, controlled, structured, expected, and predictable. The key words to describe the REGGIO EMILIA approach may be; community, collaborative, cooperative, social, open-ended, expressive, creative, flexible, spontaneous, fluid and freely expressive.
2) The teaching and learning styles are different- MONTESSORI has a pre-determined curriculum and materials are set up by the teacher, with the information flowing from the teacher to the children. REGGIO-inspired learning is determined by the children and teachers (Educators) and encourage ideas to flow between children and Educators. Children and adults find out and explore problems/concepts together.
3) MONTESSORI playroom walls are traditionally bare and visually quiet to focus the children’s attention and on the resources available. REGGIO EMILIA playroom walls are filled with documents of the children’s explorations and experiences. Photos and written records document the children’s learning. Our playroom walls are used as a tool of reflection and used by the children, parents and teachers.
4) The visual arts of clay, paint, collage, drawing, wire and the verbal arts of music, dance, movement, drama are not a priority in the MONTESSORI classroom. In REGGIO, these models of expression are seen as languages of the child – a hundred, thousand languages, giving children a vehicle for expression and development.
My child has Special Needs?
We support all our children and have a nominated and experienced SENCO within our nursery. We will work collaboratively with parents and other professionals to ensure their needs are met. Please see the link below for further information:
Are you open on Bank holidays?
The nursery will close on Bank holidays.
Are you open at Christmas?
We open 51 weeks per year, we will close between Christmas and New Year’s Day.